Annapurna Media Network Nepal

Shakti Vinayak Marg, Kathmandu 44600

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Business Detail of 'Annapurna Media Network Nepal'

Company Annapurna Media Network Nepal
Address   Shakti Vinayak Marg, Kathmandu 44600

Chairperson ()

About Company

ANNAPURNA MEDIA NETWORK is a leading media conglomerate that believes in social and economic development through responsible media practice. Prosperous Nepal is always at the core of AMN. We champion democratic values, economic development, national sovereignty, nationalism, and multi-lateral harmony at regional and global fronts. AMN owns and operates extensive media brands like Annapurna Post and The Annapurna Express in print, in digital, AP1 HD in television, Radio Annapurna Nepal in radio, and APON in modern media. AMN also hosts debates, conferences, and events on agendas that require public participation and engagement.


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