Krishi Bikash Bank (ADBL) Final Result of 5th Level Loan Assistants
Blog Category: Lok Sewa Notices and Results
Notice: Appointment of Loan Assistants at Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL), Kathmandu
Agricultural Development Bank Limited (ADBL), Human Resource Management Department, Headquarters, Kathmandu, announces the following regarding postings in Kathmandu.
Based on the approved budget and programs for ADBL's Fiscal Year 2079/80, and in accordance with Advertisement No. 25/2079-80 published on 2080/02/19, the positions of Loan Assistant, Level 5 (five), Technical Service, have been filled through an open and inclusive competitive examination. Candidates recommended based on their qualifications and preferences have been appointed to the respective offices. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.
Newly appointed candidates must bring a medical fitness certificate and four passport-sized photos to the Human Resource Management Department, Headquarters, Ramshah Path, Kathmandu, by 2081/06/29.
Advertisement No. 25/2079-80 Details:
Number of Vacancies: 6
Position: Loan Assistant
Service/Group: Technical
Level: 5
Number of Recommendations for Appointment: 6
For more information, visit
Notice Published Date: 2081/06/18