
Kathmandu, Nepal

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Business Detail of 'Daraz'

Company Daraz
Address   Kathmandu, Nepal

Chairperson ()

About Company

Launched in 2012 and available in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Nepal, Daraz is the preferred online marketplace for South Asia. The innovative e-commerce ecosystem in South Asia, which has 30,000 sellers and 500 brands and serves 5 million consumers, is backed by a wide range of customized marketing, analytics, and service solutions. Daraz offers a wide range of products in 2 million product categories, including consumer electronics, home goods, clothing, cosmetics, sports equipment, and food. It offers a variety of payment options, including cash-on-delivery, thorough customer care, and hassle-free returns since it is committed to delivering an outstanding customer experience. Alibaba Group Holding Limited owns Daraz.

At Daraz, we think in working hard to achieve important objectives.


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